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I'm finally switching my blog to Wordpress as well. If you are reading http://dirkriehle.com you are all set. If you link to index.html you should remove it or change it to index.php. The new RSS feed is available from http://dirkriehle.com/feed/. Enjoy! (January 8, 2008)
Craig Anslow and Dirk Riehle. "Lightweight End-User Programming with Wikis." Position Paper for the WikiSym 2007 Workshop on Wikis for Software Engineering. Abstract: Wikis are online collaboration tools to share information amongst users. Today's wiki engines typically lack features to integrate structured data from backend databases ... «Read more» (October 30, 2007)
WikiSym 2007 concluded last Tuesday after a stellar program with a record number of participants. The program consisted of [...] Preliminary final participation numbers were 70 (WikiSym only) + 37 (WikiSym + OOPSLA) + 10 (WikiSym Monday) + 15 (pro-rated All-Access-Pass), coming in at a whooping 132 participants! ... «Read more» (October 30, 2007)
Last Friday I gave another talk on "Economic Stakeholders of Open Source". The talk got taped by the organizing event, the Free Software Open Source Software Symposium 2007 in Toronto, Canada. This time it was a high-resolution English language recording that is available to anyone with Internet access ... «Read more» (October 29, 2007)
Today I gave my staple Open Source Research talk at the Stanford Computer Science Colloquium, as I have done it several times before at other universities. What's new is that this talk got taped and can be viewed online courtesy of Stanford University. «Read more» (October 10, 2007)
At Wikimania 2007 I opened the workshop "Bringing Wikipedia to Work: Open Collaboration within Corporations" with a presentation of the same name. The presentation discusses my research group's thoughts on open collaboration (in wikis and in open source). «Read more» (August 17, 2007)
James Maguire interviewed me for Datamation about open source economics, specifically about what impact open source will have on developers' salaries. He asked: Will Open Source Developers be Well Paid? And I provided my answers. «Read more» (July 5, 2007)
Today, Wiki Creole 1.0 was released. Wike Creole is a wiki markup standard, developed by the wiki community for the wiki community. Which is to say it has the buy-in of large parts of the community, but is not (yet?) under the umbrella of a formal standards body. Congratulations to Chuck Smith and Chris Sauer for leading this effort! «Read more» (July 4, 2007)
I gave a talk today about the "Economic Stakeholders of Open Source" [...] The talk discusses the different business strategies and the underlying economic models that motivate the behavior of stakeholders in the open source ecosystem. The talk was recorded and can be viewed courtesy of Tele Task ... «Read more» (May 11, 2007)
The Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP) conference is a place for pattern authors to have their pattern languages reviewed by fellow authors. This occurs in Writer's Workshops and the feedback allows the participants to improve their patterns to make them more useful and more publishable ... «Read more» (Feburary 19, 2007)
2007 International Symposium on Wikis (WikiSym 2007). Wikis at Work in the World: Open, Organic, Participatory Media for the 21st Century. October 21-23, 2007, Montreal, Canada. Co-located with ACM OOPSLA 2007. In cooperation with ACM SIGWEB. See http://www.wikisym.org. Archived * Peer Reviewed * ACM Sponsored ... «Read more» (Feburary 18, 2007)
Understanding an enterprise's workforce and skill-set can be seen as the key to understanding an organization's capabilities. In today's large organizations it has become increasingly difficult to find people that have specific skills or expertise or to explore and understand the overall picture of an organization's portfolio of topic expertise ... «Read more» (January 23, 2007) |
Because of recurring requests, and with the authors' permission, I'm providing the 1997 and 1998 tutorials of JHotDraw. JHotDraw was developed by Kent Beck and Erich Gamma, and represents an interesting case study in object-oriented design using Java and design patterns ... «Read more» (January 3, 2007) |
Open source software has changed the rules of the game, impacting significantly the economic behavior of stakeholders in the software ecosystem. In this new environment, developers strive to be committers, vendors feel pressure to produce open source products, and system integrators anticipate boosting profits ... «Read more» (December 7, 2006) |
Pattern intent: Implement datatypes as immutable classes so that their instances can be handled like built-in values. Dirk Riehle. "Value Object." In Proceedings of the 2006 Conference on PatternĀ Languages of Programming (PLoP '06). ACM Press, 2006 ... «Read more» (November 29, 2006) |
Vor 15 Jahren hätte Ihnen niemand geglaubt, dass Sie einen Großteil der von Ihnen benötigten Software weitgehend kostenfrei bekommen können. Für Softwarehersteller stellt sich die Frage, wie wir finanziell überleben oder gar gewinnen können. Dieser Vortrag analysiert die Geschäftsmodelle, welche Open Source zugrundeliegen ... «Read more» (November 29, 2006)
Anwender lieben Open-Source-Software, schließlich hilft sie zumeist, Geld zu sparen. Was aber ist mit Softwareentwicklern, die bisher mit proprietärer Software ihren Lebensunterhalt verdient haben? Was bleibt, wenn scheinbar alle relevante Software umsonst zu haben ist? Dieser Artikel betrachtet die Veränderungen, welche Open-Source in das Software-Geschäft gebracht haben ... «Read more» (November 28, 2006)
Dirk Riehle and James Noble (editors). Proceedings of the 2006 International Symposium on Wikis. Odense, Denmark: ACM Press, 2006. "It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the 2nd International Symposium on Wikis --- WikiSym 2006." ... «Read more» (September 9, 2006)
WikiSym 2006 concluded last Wednesday with Ward Cunningham's talk on "Design Principles of Wiki." Before that, we had listened to Angela Beesley on "How and Why Wikipedia works," Mark Bernstein on "Intimite Information," and Doug Engelbart with Eugene E. Kim on "The Augmented Wiki." The technical program comprised eleven paper presentations, two panels, and four workshops. Participants got active using Open Space, a method for self-organizing groups ... «Read more» (August 31, 2006)
This article presents an interview with Angela Beesley, Elisabeth Bauer, and Kizu Naoko. All three are leading Wikipedia practitioners in the English, German, and Japanese Wikipedias and related projects. The interview focuses on how Wikipedia works and why these three practitioners believe it will keep working. The interview was conducted via email in preparation of WikiSym 2006, the 2006 International Symposium on Wikis, with the goal of furthering Wikipedia research ... «Read more» (July 7, 2006)
This year's Wiki Symposium brings together wiki researchers and practitioners in the historic and beautiful city of Odense, Denmark, on August 21-23, 2006. Participants will present, discuss, and move forward the latest advances in wiki contents, sociology, and technology. The symposium program offers invited talks ...
«Read more» (June 15, 2006)
We are pleased to announce the following lineup of speakers for WikiSym 2006:
«Read more» (March 10, 2006)
STICA '06 is a workshop on using semantic technologies in collaboration applications, for example, semantic wikis. It is part of the IEEE WETICE series of workshops, and will take place in June 2006 in Manchester, UK. Please consider submitting a paper! ... «Read more» (January 15, 2006)
Interest in wiki research has surged recently, and I'll be giving a couple of talks on the subject in early 2006: January 11, 2006: Humbold Universtät Berlin, group of Prof. Oliver Günther; February 1, 2006: Universität Hannover, group of Prof. Wolfgang Nejdl; February 8, 2006: Wissensmanagement-Gesellschaft, Berlin. While these talks are all public instances (in principle), I'd like to ask you to contact me first if you want to attend a talk ... «Read more» (January 7, 2006)
Dirk Riehle (editor). Proceedings of the 2005 International Symposium on Wikis. San Diego, CA: ACM Press, 2005. "Welcome to the proceedings of the 2005 International Symposium on Wikis (WikiSym for short), the first international conference dedicated to wiki research and practice!" ... «Read more» (October 26, 2005)
OOPSLA 2006 will be held in Portland, OR. William Cook is the program chair; I'm on the committee. This time, there will be an interesting change, bringing an OOPSLA publication closer to a journal publication than ever before: Authors get to see the PC reviews before the actual PC meeting! So they can comment on the reviews and clarify questions ... «Read more» (October 22, 2005)
WikiSym 2005 concluded on Tuesday, Oct 18. With 89 registered participants and many more trying to sneak in, it was a great success. From the feedback, we feel encouraged to organize a WikiSym 2006 next year. On the conference wiki, you can read up on talks, panels, and workshops involving the likes of Ward Cunningham, Jimmy Wales ... «Read more» (October 20, 2005)
One of the things that's been bugging me for a while is the question of what's behind wikis and WikiSym 2005, the first wiki research conference. [...] The question may seem odd, after all as the conference organizer, I should know. But then, wikis are a technology, and the question is always, what is a technology good for? ... «Read more» (October 7, 2005)
Pattern intent: Allow a system to have new and changing object types without having to reprogram the system. By representing the object types as objects, they can be changed at configuration time or at runtime, making it easy to change and adapt the system to new requirements. «Read more» (July 14, 2005)
Vortrag im Kolloquium des Instituts für Informatik der Freien Universität Berlin: Entwurfsmuster sind aus dem Repertoire erfahrener Softwareentwickler nicht mehr wegzudenken. Sie helfen im kreativen Akt des Entwurfs von Systemen, sie helfen in der Dokumentation, und sie machen ... «Read more» (July 1, 2005)
Vortrag bei der Gruppe Claus Lewerentz am Institut für Informatik an der Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus: Current software development tools let developers model a software system and generate program code from the models to run the system ... «Read more» (June 24, 2005)
Vortrag am 12. Mai 2005 im Forum BB, dem Berlin/Brandenburger Softwareforum: Entwurfsmuster sind aus dem Repertoire erfahrener Softwareentwickler nicht mehr wegzudenken. Sie helfen im kreativen Akt des Entwurfs von Systemen, sie helfen in der Dokumentation, und sie machen ... «Read more» (May 12, 2005)
We are organizing WikiSym 2005, the 2005 International Symposium on Wikis. If you are interested in wikis, please consider submitting a paper or attending the event. It will take place in San Diego in October 2005 and will be co-located with OOPSLA 2005. You can find the full call for submissions at http://www.wikisym.org. «Read more» (March 3, 2005)
On a Personal Note |
Hello there, traveler of the Internet: Welcome to my (old, out-of-date-abandoned) web home! The new version can be found at https://dirkriehle.com