Computer Science |
Research, Industry Work,
Programming |
Community Service |
Hillside Group, CHOOSE,
Stanford GSA |
The Serious Side |
Business School,
Learning Chinese |
Humorous Takes |
Switzerland, United States,
Software, Fun Photos |
Travel Stories |
Europe, United States, Asia
Living Places |
Berlin (+ Gallery), Zürich
Boston, S.F. + Bay Area |
Wikipedia and other WMF projects are egalitarian, meritocratic, and self-organizing. Our workplace frequently is not. This workshop investigates how we can bring the Wikipedia spirit, which we call open collaboration, to work. It does so by sharing stories of how what we learned on Wikipedia was successfully applied at work. The goal of the workshop is to understand how to do this more effectively and more frequently in the future.
Dirk Riehle. "Bringing Wikipedia to Work: Open Collaboration within Corporations." In Proceedings of Wikimania 2007. Wikimedia Foundation, 2007.
The presentation is available as a PDF file.