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Stanford GSA |
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Europe, United States, Asia
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An ever growing collection of funny theories. Someone said ...
- to a Mexican friend: "I met this Mexican guy. I can set you up for a date. You must have so much in common!"
- to a Taiwanese-German friend: "So, do your parents run a Chinese restaurant?"
- to an Indian friend, who had just said he was going to visit India: "Oh, are you getting married? Do you know her?"
Also of interest...
- A Chinese friend said: "So many American men are gay is because they use so many chemicals and so much detergent."
- Another friend said: "I thought only Chinese pay off their credit card balance. Why are you doing it?"
- An American teacher said: "In Europe, they have meetings where they just meet and chat. They don't need a goal."
And finally visit the best, the ultimate, the incredible Black People Love Us website.