Object-oriented modeling is based on the concepts of object, class, and their relationships. This chapter extends these concepts with new role modeling concepts. It starts out with the definition of concepts like object, class, and class model, to which it adds the definitions of the concepts of role, role type, role model, and role constraint. This leads to an extended object modeling terminology, based not only on objects and classes, but on roles and role types, as well as class models and role models. The concepts for framework design, defined in the following chapter, build on this foundation.
3.1 Chapter overview
This chapter presents two categories of modeling concepts:
- Traditional object modeling concepts. This part defines the
concepts object and value, class, class type, and value type,
association and association description, aggregation and aggregation
description, inheritance, object collaboration, and class model.
This section provides the object modeling basis.
- New role modeling concepts. This part defines the concepts
role, role type, role constraint, object collaboration task,
and role model. It also revises and extends the object modeling
basis to better support role modeling. It presents a novel perspective
on the role concept, as needed for framework design and documentation.
Appendix B, the glossary, lists all concept definitions in
alphabetical order. Appendix C, the notation guide, summarizes
the visual notation used in the dissertation. The visual notation
is derived from UML, with additions only for those concepts not
known to UML.
This and the next chapter use the design of a graphical figure
framework as a running example. This chapter discusses the class
model only; the next chapter discusses its definition as a framework
and its use by clients like drawing editors.
Graphical figure objects are part of a drawing, as shown by
and manipulated through a drawing editor. Figure 3-1 shows the
graphical user interface of such an example drawing editor. At
the center of the figure is a drawing area, which contains several
graphical figures.
- Figure 3-1: Screenshot of an example drawing editor (JHotDraw).
Graphical figures may be generic figures like polygon, rectangle,
circle, and text figures. They may also be domain-specific figures
like UML-style object, interface, association, and aggregation
figures as used in a UML diagram editor, or like animal or circus
figures as used in a drawing editor for children.
Some of the figures are composite graphical figures. A composite
graphical figure is a figure that is composed from further embedded
figures (it aggregates these sub-figures). Examples of composite
graphical figures are predefined figures like the UML-style class
or interface figures, which are build from polygon, rectangle,
and text figures, and user-defined figures like those composed
by a grouping mechanism as found in drawing editors. Thus, a composite
graphical figure can be realized as a hierarchy of figure objects.
Figure 3-2 illustrates the runtime object hierarchy for the
graphical figures of the drawing from Figure 3-1.
Section 3.2 defines the basic object modeling terminology.
It uses the graphical figure class hierarchy indicated above as
its illustrating example. The hierarchy is presented as a class
- Figure 3-2: Object hierarchy of graphical figures.
Section 3.3 defines the role modeling extension of the object
modeling basis. It enhances the graphical figure example with
roles and role models to show the structure of object collaborations.
The concepts are presented in a programming language independent
way. They do not reflect the full complexity of today's programming
languages. Chapter 5 shows how the modeling concepts map on other
notations and programming languages like UML, Java, C++ and Smalltalk.
3.2 Object modeling fundamentals
Objects and classes are the traditional modeling concepts of
object-oriented software systems. This section defines and illustrates
the concepts of object, class, class type, operation, value, value
type, and interpretation function. It also defines the concepts
of association and association description, aggregation and aggregation
description, and inheritance. Finally, it defines the concepts
of object collaboration and class model. Some definitions are
preliminary and are extended in the subsequent sections when the
role modeling concepts are introduced.
This section is not meant to provide a comprehensive object
modeling terminology. It only defines the most fundamental concepts,
on which the subsequent role modeling concepts build. It omits
most of the complexity found in industrial-strength modeling approaches
like UML [UML97a, UML97b] or OML [FHG98], which provide a much
larger variety of modeling concepts than those presented here.
3.2.1 Object and class (definition)
The concepts of object and class can be defined from a technical
or a conceptual perspective. We use the technical definitions,
and view the conceptual definitions as a description of the purpose
of objects and classes.
- Definition 3-1: Object
- An object is an opaque runtime entity of a system that provides
state and operations to query and change that state. An object
has a lifecycle: It is created, may change over time, and is
possibly deleted. Objects can be identified unambiguously; identity
is an intrinsic property of every object.
An object represents a concrete or abstract phenomenon from
a domain. The domain may be a non-technical application domain
like banking or insurance, or it may be a technical application
domain like multithreading, synchronization, or distribution.
This second modeling-oriented definition of objects as representations
of phenomena complements the first definition of objects as encapsulated
state with operations.
Examples of objects are all kinds of graphical figures, for
example polygons, rectangles, triangles, and circles, but also
higher-level graphical figures, like UML-style class, interface,
association, and inheritance figures.
Figure 3-3 shows the visual representation of the object concept
as used in this work. In such a diagram, an object typically has
a name, like "aFigure", and provides its class name,
like "Polygon", set in parenthesis below the object
- Figure 3-3: Example of an object called p of class Polygon.
An object is an instance of a class. The class defines the
properties of its instances.
- Definition 3-2: Class
- A class is the definition of a (possibly infinite) set of
objects, called its instances. A class defines the behavior of
its instances using a class type. A class type is a type, specified
using an appropriate type specification mechanism.
With each class, exactly one class type is associated. The
class type defines the operations applicable to an instance of
the class in terms of the effects these operations have on its
state and in terms of the values returned to an object calling
an operation.
A class is the result of an abstraction process from several
similar objects from a domain. It describes the common properties
of all its instances and ignores any properties that are irrelevant
for the modeling task at hand. Again, this second definition of
class as the abstraction from similar recurring phenomena complements
the first definition of class as the definition of the common
properties of a set of objects.
Examples of classes are PolygonFigure, RectangleFigure, and
TextFigure. Some visual instances are shown in Figure 3-1 as polygons,
rectangles, texts on a drawing area, and some regular instances
are shown in Figure 3-2 as objects in an object diagram. Similarly,
more complex examples are the UmlClassFigure and UmlAssociationFigure
classes, as they are needed for a UML-diagram drawing editor.
An object may be an immediate (or direct) instance of a class
or not. An immediate instance is an object that conforms to a
class without obeying further specified properties. An object
that conforms to a class but that is not an immediate instance
of this class typically is an instance of a subclass of this class
(see Section 3.2.5).
A class may be abstract or concrete. An abstract class cannot
have immediate instances. A concrete class may have immediate
instances. The aforementioned PolygonFigure, RectangleFigure,
and TextFigure classes are concrete classes. The class Figure,
which represents all properties common to figure objects, is an
abstract class, of which no direct instances may exist.
Figure 3-4 shows the visual representation of the class concept.
If the class name is set in Italics, the class is an abstract
class. If not, it is a concrete class. The body of the visual
class representation shows parts of its class type, as defined
- Figure 3-4: Example of a class, here the Figure class.
The concept of class is understood and used here as a modeling
concept. On an implementation level, a design-level class may
be represented using any appropriate mechanism. In Java, for example,
design-level classes are frequently expressed using Java interfaces,
and Java classes are used to provide implementations of the design-level
The class type can be specified using an appropriate type specification
mechanism, for example Liskov & Wing [LW93a, LW93b, LW94] or Abadi
& Cardelli [AC96]. The only precondition is that the chosen specification
mechanism must provide a proper composition operator on types.
This is needed, as shown in the Section 3.3, to define a class
type as the composition of several role types.
Figure 3-5 shows the visual representation of the type concept.
- Figure 3-5: Example of a type, here the class type of Figure.
Class types, role types, and value types (see below) are expressed
and shown using the same visual symbol.
3.2.2 Value and value type (definition)
Objects and values are complementary modeling concepts of equal
importance [Mac82, BRS+98].
- Definition 3-3: Value
- A value is an atomic entity from the abstract and invisible
universe of values. A value cannot be perceived directly, but
only through occurrences of its representations. The representations
are interpreted by means of interpretation functions. These interpretation
functions return further (occurrences of representations of)
values; they do not change the value.
In contrast to objects, values do not live in time: they are
not created, do not change, and are not destroyed.
A value is always bound to an attribute of an object. An attribute
is a name/value pair that puts a label, the attribute name, on
some aspect of the object's state space, the attribute value,
so that for a given object, the attribute's value can be named,
assessed, and changed.
Examples of values are integers, strings, but also domain-specific
values like account numbers, security tickets, and monetary amounts.
Values of particular importance to object systems are object references,
because they enable objects to communicate. The so-called primitive
values like integers, strings, and object references are typically
directly supported by a modeling notation or a programming language,
while domain-specific values need to be defined by programmers.
- Definition 3-4: Value type
- A value type is a type that specifies a set of values together
with the interpretation functions applicable to representations
of members of this set.
Value types (or type constructors for a specific kind of value
type) may be directly provided by a modeling language, like integer,
string, and object reference. Or, value types may be domain-specific
and introduced by programmers, like Color, 2DPoint and 3DPoint,
For a given object attribute, an attribute type is defined,
which determines the set of possible values that can be assigned
to the attribute. An attribute type is always a value type.
There are no universal context-independent criteria to decide
whether some domain phenomenon should be modeled as an object
or a value. The purpose of the model and the suitability of its
possible implementations always drive such a decision.
3.2.3 Figure class (example)
As explained, a class defines the state and behavior of its
instances. It does so with the help of a class type. In the simplest
case, a class type is a set of attributes, a set of constraints
on the attribute values, a set of transitions between allowed
states, and a set of operations that trigger state transitions.
The constraints on the attributes determine the subspace of the
overall state space defined by the cross product of the attributes'
value types. Next to this simple scheme, more elaborate type specification
mechanisms can be used.
For the purposes of this work every type specification mechanism
is suitable, as long as it provides a well-defined composition
operation on types. To better illustrate the examples, and to
simplify their discussion, we use a simple type specification
mechanism. A type is described as a set of operations, a set of
attributes, and an informal annotation that describes its meaning
(either as comments in the specification text or in the main body
of the respective section). The possible state transitions are
implied by the operation definitions.
For example, the class type of class Figure defines an attribute
with the name "parent" that is of type "object
reference to Figure object". Also, class Figure may have
an attribute called extent of value type rectangle, with the constraint
that the rectangle must have a positive non-zero extent. (Please
note that the value type rectangle is a mathematical concept,
hence a value type, while the class RectangleFigure is a graphical
figure class, which may not only have an attribute extent of type
rectangle, but many other attributes, like fill color, line stroke
color, or line stroke width.)
Specification 3-1 describes the class Figure and its class
type. Next to the Figure class, it uses a Graphics class that
represents the drawing area. The specification uses Java syntax-alike
constructs. The uncommon syntax "ref<Figure>"
stands for the value type "object reference to Figure object".
Thus, "ref" is a type constructor for object reference
value types. This pseudo-code serves illustration purposes only.
It is not based on a full-fledged specification or programming
class Figure {
// Provide basic domain functionality of figures.
// Figures have origin, extent. Can be drawn, moved, and resized.
// Figures have a handle by which they are manipulated.
point origin;
rectangle extent;
void draw(ref<Graphics> context);
void drawOutline(ref<Graphics> context);
void place(point location);
void move(int dx, int dy);
void resize(int handle, int dx, int dy);
// Provide parent reference; may be null for root.
// Parent object must be of type Figure.
ref<Figure> parent;
boolean hasParent();
void setParent(ref<Figure> parent);
// Manage objects registered as dependents.
// Notify them about state changes of the figure.
// Dependents must be of type FigureObserver.
collection<ref<FigureObserver>> dependents;
boolean hasObserver(ref<FigureObserver> observer);
void addObserver(ref<FigureObserver> observer);
void removeObserver(ref<FigureObserver> observer);
// Generically manage properties of figure.
// Examples properties are fill color, frame color, line stroke.
// Properties may be any kind of Object.
collection<ref<Object>> properties;
void hasProperty(string name);
void getProperty(string name);
void setProperty(string name, ref<Object> property);
void unsetProperty(string name);
... More definition.
- Specification 3-1: Example specification of Figure class.
This example class defines its instances' state space together
with operations to change it. The existence of an attribute in
the class type definition implies an operation to get the attribute's
value, but not necessarily an operation to set it. A set-operation
needs to be specified explicitly.
3.2.4 Relationships and relationship descriptions (definition)
At runtime, objects are connected with each other. Such a connection
may be implemented in different ways. On the modeling level, we
only need to express that we allow for a certain type of connection
between objects.
A connection between two objects is called an object relationship.
For the object modeling basis, we consider two types of object
relationships: object associations and object aggregations. These
are runtime entities stating that two objects are connected with
each other in a particular way.
An object relationship description defines what a valid object
relationship is. We consider object association descriptions and
object aggregation descriptions. These relationship descriptions
can be annotated to add meaning and more precisely specify the
set of allowed relationships according to that relationship description.
Object associations may be unidirectional or bi-directional.
Object aggregations are always unidirectional. However, this information
is effectively an annotation of the relationship description that
is used to help implementing the model. The overall graph of object
relationship descriptions is undirected, independently of the
specification of individual relationship descriptions. Association and association description (definition)
Objects relate to each other by means of object associations.
- Definition 3-5: Object association
- An object association is a pair of objects (x, y), stating
that an object x holds a reference to another object y of which
it may or may not make use.
Holding a reference means that a parameter of an invocation
of an operation of object x or that an attribute of object x has
the reference to y as its value. An example of an object association
is (aText, aUmlClass), which indicates that the object aText is
associated with the object aUmlClass (for example, by means of
its parent attribute).
Figure 3-6 shows the visual representation of a unidirectional
object association.
- Figure 3-6: Example of an association between two objects.
Object associations may be bi-directional, which means that
for a given association (x, y), the inverse (y, x) exists. This
is visually shown through the omission of the arrowhead, see Figure
- Figure 3-7: Example of a bi-directional association between
two objects.
Classes prescribe how their instances may relate to each other
by means of object association descriptions.
- Definition 3-6: Object association description
- An object association description is a pair of types (X,
Y) that determines possible runtime object associations. An association
between two objects (x, y) conforms to the association description
if x is of type X or a subtype of X, and if y is of type Y or
a subtype of Y.
When speaking of an association description between two classes,
the class types of the classes are meant.
Object association descriptions between classes are specifications
of how instances of the classes may relate to each other at runtime.
A specific object association is called a valid object association
with respect to an object association description if it conforms
to the description.
Figure 3-8 shows the visual representation of an object association
description for unidirectional object associations, and Figure
3-9 shows the visual representation of an object association description
for bi-directional object associations.
- Figure 3-8: Example of a unidirectional object association
- Figure 3-9: Example of a bi-directional object association
Being unidirectional or being bi-directional are annotations
on the first or second element of the pair representing the object
association description. They add meaning to the association description
that can be used in the implementation of the design. However,
the underlying graph is still undirected.
Object association descriptions (and object aggregation descriptions,
see below) are annotated with further information. Each annotation
is tied to one end of the description. Examples of annotations
are the name of the description, the cardinality of the source
or target, and possible existence dependency constraints.
For example, Figures 3-8 and 3-9 annotate the association descriptions
with the cardinality of runtime object associations. If no cardinality
is given, a default value of 0..1 is assumed. Aggregation and aggregation description (definition)
Objects also relate to each other by means of aggregation.
- Definition 3-7: Object aggregation
- An object aggregation is a pair of objects (x, y), stating
that an object x aggregates an object y as a part of it. To aggregate
an object means to control it, not only to make use of it, but
to determine its lifetime and accessibility as well.
One object may aggregate several other objects, but may itself
be aggregated at maximum once. Object aggregations form acyclic
object hierarchies. Odell gives an in-depth discussion of the
concept of aggregation [Ode98]. An example of an aggregation is
(aUmlClass, aText), which indicates that the object aUmlClass
aggregates the object aText (for example to display the class
Figure 3-10 shows the visual representation of an aggregation.
It is distinguished from an association through the diamond on
the side of the aggregating object.
- Figure 3-10: Example of an aggregation between two objects.
Classes prescribe how their instances may relate to each other
by means of aggregation descriptions.
- Definition 3-8: Object aggregation description
- An object aggregation description is a pair of types (X,
Y) that determines possible runtime object aggregations. An aggregation
between two objects (x, y) conforms to the aggregation description
if x is of type X or a subtype of X, and if y is of type Y or
a subtype of Y.
When speaking of an association description between two classes,
the class types of the classes are meant.
Object aggregation descriptions between classes are specifications
of how instances of the classes may aggregate each other at runtime.
A specific object aggregation is called a valid object aggregation
with respect to an object aggregation description if it conforms
to the description.
Figure 3-11 shows the visual representation of an aggregation
- Figure 3-11: Example of an aggregation description between
two classes.
Like object association descriptions, aggregation descriptions
are not aggregations but rather descriptions of them. Aggregation
descriptions provide information about the allowed runtime aggregations
like cardinality of the aggregated objects, etc. In an aggregation
description, the cardinality annotation of the aggregating class
is always 0..1; thus the annotation can be omitted in a figure
depicting the aggregation description.
3.2.5 Inheritance (definition)
Classes may inherit from each other. Inheritance is understood
here as a modeling concept to define specialization/generalization
hierarchies rather than as a construct to reuse code.
- Definition 3-9: Inheritance
- An inheritance is a pair of classes (X, Y) such that any
instance of class Y can be substituted in a context where an
instance of class X is expected.
X is called the superclass of Y and Y is called the subclass
of X.
Conceptually speaking, the concept modeled by class Y is a
specialization of the concept modeled by class X and the concept
modeled by class X is a generalization of the concept modeled
by class Y. The pair (Figure, RectangleFigure) is an example of
inheritance. It indicates that RectangleFigure is a subclass of
Wegener and Zdonik discuss in more detail what "substituted
in a context where an instance of class X is expected" means
[WZ88]. Further definitions of substitutability have been given
by Liskov [Lis88], Liskov and Wing [LW93a, LW93b, LW94], Abadi
and Cardelli [AC96], and others.
We use single inheritance only. Thus, for a given inheritance
(X, Y), there may not be another inheritance (Z, Y) with Z ( X.
(This will seem less a restriction, once role types are introduced.)
Figure 3-12 illustrates the visual representation of the inheritance
- Figure 3-12: Example of an inheritance between two classes.
According to the abstract superclass rule, a class should not
inherit from a concrete class [Hür94]. Thus, in a class inheritance
hierarchy all leaf classes should be concrete classes, and all
other classes are abstract classes.
In practice, this rule is often relaxed, and concrete classes
inherit from concrete classes. If done right, this is not a problem,
because the concrete superclass actually assumes two different
roles: one as an abstract superclass for subclasses and one as
a concrete class that is readily instantiable by use-clients.
3.2.6 Object collaboration and class model (definition)
For modeling object systems, we must define what a system is.
Moreover, we are not interested in just about any system, but
only those considered valid, because only they provide both expected
and useful behavior.
At runtime, an object system is a set of objects that relate
to each other by means of object associations and aggregations.
Which of the possibly infinite number of object systems is a valid
one and which is not? Object collaborations and class models provide
the necessary means to better define what a valid system is.
- Definition 3-10: Object collaboration
- An object collaboration is a set of objects that relate to
each other by object relationships.
An object system is an object collaboration. An object collaboration
or an object system is said to be valid if it conforms to a class
- Definition 3-11: Class model
- A class model is a set of classes that relate to each other
by inheritance and object relationship descriptions. The class
relationship graph must be non-partitioned.
The class relationship graph is the graph of all object relationship
descriptions, which may be either object association or object
aggregation descriptions. The graph is undirected and non-partitioned.
A class model acts as a specification of a (possibly infinite)
set of runtime object collaborations. Its purpose is to define
what a valid object collaboration is and what not. If an object
collaboration is an element of the set of object collaborations
specified by the class model, it is said to conform to the class
model, and hence is said to be a valid object collaboration.
3.2.7 Figure class model (example)
We can now present a first class model. We use the classes
Figure, PolygonFigure, RectangleFigure, TextFigure, CompositeFigure,
GroupFigure, UmlClassFigure, and UmlAssociationFigure. Figure
and CompositeFigure are abstract classes, while all other classes
are concrete classes.
Figure 3-2 presents an example object collaboration. A few
non-composite as well as a few composite objects can be seen.
To understand the structure of this object hierarchy, the classes
Figure and CompositeFigure need to be defined. Class Figure is
described in the previous class example subsection, and class
CompositeFigure is described in Specification 3-2.
class CompositeFigure extends Figure {
// Manage child figure objects.
// Child figures must be of type Figure.
collection<ref<Figure>> children;
boolean hasChild(ref<Figure> child);
void addChild(ref<Figure> child);
void removeChild(ref<Figure> child);
... More definition.
- Specification 3-2: Example specification of CompositeFigure class.
The class CompositeFigure defines what it means to be a composite
figure object: it may have child objects, aggregated by the very
composite object. Therefore, all classes whose instances are composite
figure objects inherit from CompositeFigure.
The classes PolygonFigure, RectangleFigure, and TextFigure
are direct subclasses of Figure. Thus, they represent non-composite
figure objects. The classes GroupFigure, UmlClassFigure, and UmlAssociationFigure
are subclasses of CompositeFigure. Thus, they represent composite
figure objects.
Figure 3-13 shows the resulting class model.
- Figure 3-13: Class model of Figure example.
Figure 3-13 expresses the concept of composite figure object
by means of the object aggregation description between the CompositeFigure
and Figure classes. The possibility to traverse an object hierarchy
from the leaves up is expressed by the parent association description
from Figure to CompositeFigure. The object associations between
a graphical figure and its dependents are shown by an association
description between Figure and FigureObserver. Finally, an object
association description between Figure and Object shows how a
figure provides its properties to clients.
The association descriptions between the composite figure classes
UmlAssociationFigure and UmlClassFigure and the primitive figure
object classes PolygonFigure, RectangleFigure and TextFigure are
3.3 Role modeling extensions
This section extends the concepts defined in the previous section
with role modeling concepts. It introduces new concepts and revises
old ones.
Object collaborations are described as interacting objects
that play roles to provide predefined behavior. Because an object
may play several roles in an object collaboration, the collaboration
itself is broken up into pieces, called object collaboration tasks.
Each object collaboration task is described by a role model, and
a role type from the role model describes each role in the collaboration
task. A role model describes the collaboration task as a set of
role types and their relationships, independent of other collaboration
A role model describes the set of valid object collaboration
tasks, much like a class model describes the set of valid object
collaborations. Also, a class model is broken up into different
role models, much like an object collaboration is broken up into
collaboration tasks. The collaboration tasks compose to become
the full object collaboration, and the role models compose to
become the full class model. Role models thereby separate the
different concerns involved in a class model and reduce the complexity
of designing and understanding it.
This section defines the concepts role and role type, role
constraint, object collaboration task and role model. The class
and class model concepts are extended to integrate smoothly with
the role modeling concepts. The Figure example is revised in light
of the new modeling concepts.
3.3.1 Role and role type (definition)
Roles are observable behavioral aspects of objects. A role
is described by a role type.
- Definition 3-12: Role
- A role is an observable behavioral aspect of an object.
An object, which provides a particular role, is said to play
that role.
An object may play several roles at once (which every non-trivial
object does). The roles, which an object plays, interact, and
an operation called in the context of one role can easily lead
to the object acting in the context of another role. The set of
roles an object is playing is called the object's role set.
A role represents the behavior of an object with respect to
a specific object collaboration task. Objects as phenomena from
a domain typically behave in many different ways, acting in different
use-contexts. Therefore, in each context, an object plays a different
role. The role is determined by the view the client holds on the
object playing the role.
Each graphical figure object provides a set of roles to clients.
Among these are roles that let clients draw the object, traverse
the object hierarchy, make the object persistent, and inform dependent
objects about state changes.
A role type abstracts from the behavior of similar roles.
- Definition 3-13: Role type
- A role type is a type that defines the behavior of a role
an object may play. It defines the operations and the state model
of the role, as well as the associated semantics.
An object's behavior is defined by the composition of all role
types of all roles it may play. Different objects may play a role
that is defined by the same role type. Thus, a role type is (in
principle) independent of a particular object or class.
A role type is the result of an abstraction process from similar
behavioral aspects of objects from a domain, much like classes
are the abstraction from structurally and behaviorally similar
objects. In contrast to a class that fully defines an object,
a role type only defines one possible behavioral aspect of an
A role type is visually represented as a type. For example,
Figure 3-14 shows the Figure role type.
- Figure 3-14: Example of a role type.
Examples of role types are the type definitions of the roles
mentioned above. These role types might be named Figure, Child,
and Subject. The Figure role type defines the domain-specific
behavior of figure objects, like its capability to draw itself
on some drawing area. It ignores other aspects like its child
behavior in an object hierarchy.
If a textual specification of a role type is given, it is not
necessary to repeat the type specification as part of the visual
representation in a diagram. It is sufficient to provide the name.
Figure 3-15 shows this convenience shortcut for the Figure, Child,
and Subject role types.
- Figure 3-15: Example role types.
Some role types may have no operations associated with them.
For example, client role types frequently specify only behavior
of objects, but no operations. (A client acts according to its
role type specification, but it does not offer operations for
other objects to call back.)
- Definition 3-14: No-operation role type (no-op role type)
- A no-operation role type is a role type that defines no operations.
Still, behavioral semantics may be associated with such no-operation
role types. This is sometimes the case, but not always. But even
if no semantics are associated with a no-operation role type,
the role type still serves a useful purpose as a handle for a
role played by an object.
- Definition 3-15: No-semantics role type
- A no-semantics role type is a no-operation role type that
defines neither state nor behavior.
No-semantics role types are used to designate objects whose
references are passed around but which are not made use of in
the context of the current role model. No-semantics role types
can be attached to a class after it has been defined.
For pragmatic purposes, diagrams identify no-operation role
types by a mark in their upper right corner. Figure 3-16 shows
an example.
- Figure 3-16: Example no-op role type.
The importance of no-operation and no-semantics role types
will become apparent in the context of role models (see Subsection
3.3.5) and class models (see Subsection 3.3.9).
3.3.2 Figure, Child, etc. (example)
Specification 3-3 describes the Figure, Child, and Subject
role types:
// Provide basic domain functionality of figures.
// Figures have origin, extent. Can be drawn, moved, and resized.
// Figures have a handle by which they are manipulated.
roletype Figure {
point origin;
rectangle extent;
void draw(ref<Graphics> context);
void drawOutline(ref<Graphics> context);
void place(point location);
void move(int dx, int dy);
void resize(int handle, int dx, int dy);
// Provide parent reference; may be null.
// Parent object must be of type Parent.
roletype Child {
ref<Parent> parent;
boolean hasParent();
void setParent(ref<Parent> parent);
// Manage objects registered as dependents.
// Notify them about state changes of the figure.
// Dependents must be of type Observer.
roletype Subject {
collection<ref<Observer>> dependents;
boolean hasObserver(ref<Observer> observer);
void addObserver(ref<Observer> observer);
void removeObserver(ref<Observer> observer);
- Specification 3-3: Example specification of Figure class.
Please note that a role type in its definition refers to other
types, and that these other types need not be class types. As
discussed below, these other types are likely to be other role
types from a role model. Examples are the definition of the Child
role type that refers to a Parent role type and the definition
of the Subject role type that refers to an Observer role type.
3.3.3 Class (revised definition)
With the introduction of the role and role type concept, we
can now enhance the definition of the class and inheritance concepts.
The object concept has already been enhanced in the previous subsection,
stating that with any object, a set of roles is associated.
- Definition 3-16: Class (revised)
- A class is the definition of a (possibly infinite) set of
objects, called its instances. A class defines a non-empty set
of role types, a composition function, and a class type. The
composition function, applied to all role types, results in the
class type.
The class type specifies the behavior of the instances of the
The set of role types of a class is called the class' role
type set. The role type set of a class determines which kind of
roles its instances may play at runtime. An object x of class
X may only play a role r if the role's type R is an element of
the role type set of X.
Specification 3-4 defines the Figure class in terms of role
roletype Figure { ... } // For definition, see above.
roletype Child { ... } // For definition, see above.
roletype Subject { ... } // For definition, see above.
// Generically manage properties of figure.
// Examples properties are fill color, frame color, line stroke.
// Properties may be any kind of Object.
roletype Provider {
collection<ref<Object>> properties;
void hasProperty(string name);
void getProperty(string name);
void setProperty(string name, ref<Object> property);
void unsetProperty(string name);
class Figure extends Object {
roletype Figure;
roletype Child;
roletype Subject;
roletype Provider;
... More definition.
- Specification 3-4: Example specification of Figure class, including role types.
The role type set of the Figure class comprises the Figure,
Child, Subject, and Provider role types. The role types are deliberately
defined independently of the class. The class only makes use of
them by specifying that they are elements of its role type set.
The enclosing definition of a role type is always a role model
(see below).
A class inherits the role type set of its superclass. Thus,
with increasing distance from the root class Object, the size
of the role type set increases monotonously. Assume that class
Object is defined as follows:
class Object {
roletype Readable; // Object can be read from a passive form.
roletype Writable; // Object can be written to a passive form.
roletype Instance; // Object provides metainformation.
roletype Clonable; // Object can be cloned.
roletype Comparable; // Object can be compared for equality.
roletype Key; // Object can act as a key for dictionaries.
- Specification 3-5: Example specification of Figure class.
The cardinality of the object role type set is 6. With Figure
being a direct subclass of Object, the cardinality of its role
type set is 6 plus the number of new role types it defines itself
(of which we have seen 4 so far: Figure, Child, Subject, and Provider).
For the purposes of this dissertation, there is no need to
introduce a subtyping relationship between role types. Thus, class
inheritance is not affected, and role types of a class remain
unchanged by subclasses.
3.3.4 Choice of type specification mechanism
A class type is the composition of all the role types from
the class' role type set. The class defines a composition function
that carries out this composition. Effectively, this is the integration
of the state model of the role types to form a larger state model
for the class.
This dissertation does not introduce a new type specification,
but assumes that any mechanism is acceptable that fulfills the
following properties:
- The mechanism lets developers express a type in an object-oriented
- The mechanism provides a concept of substitutability based
on concept specialization.
- The mechanism lets developers specify dynamic behavior of
- The mechanism lets developers compose (role) types to form
new derived (class) types.
These properties are the result of the new class definition.
Most of the aforementioned approaches address these issues and
could be chosen as a type specification mechanism for role modeling
(for example, [LW93a, LW93b, LW94]).
Another solution is not to choose a particular type specification
mechanism, but to rely on a mainstream modeling language or programming
language. (These are typically so weak with respect to type specification
that they are considered here as not having one.) Developers then
define the composition function of the role types implicitly.
They realize the composition function through a class implementation.
3.3.5 Object collaboration task and role model (definition)
Object collaborations typically fulfill several tasks in parallel.
The same objects collaborate to achieve several different things.
Given any individual object, the role types of the object's roles
express the behavior needed for the different tasks.
- Definition 3-17: Object collaboration task
- An object collaboration task is an object collaboration and
a set of roles objects play in the collaboration. The object
relationship graph must be non-partitioned.
An object collaboration task represents a single-purpose activity
of objects in an object collaboration, which they carry out by
playing the roles defined by the task.
An object collaboration task is said to be valid, if it conforms
to a role model.
- Definition 3-18: Role model
- A role model is a set of role types that relate to each other
by object relationship descriptions and role constraints. The
role type relationship graph must be non-partitioned.
The role type relationship graph is the graph of all object
relationship descriptions.
A role model defines a (possibly infinite) set of valid object
collaboration tasks. A collaboration task from this set is said
to conform to the role model. As discussed below, role models
compose to become class models, and object collaboration tasks
compose to become object collaborations.
Role models are the place where role types are defined. For
example, the role model that describes the figure object hierarchy
is called FigureHierarchy. Part of its definition are the role
types Child and Parent, as defined above. Classes have to import
these role types from the role model to put them into their role
type set. We use the common dot-notation to identify role types:
Child becomes FigureHierarchy.Child and Parent becomes FigureHierarchy.Parent
in the context of a class.
The role type relationship graph in a role model may not be
partitioned, so that there is a path from every role type to every
other role type. This ensures that the role model is a cohesive
model rather than a set of unrelated role types.
Before we provide an example, we need to define the concept
of role constraint that lets us define how roles come together
in an object (or not).
3.3.6 Role constraint (definition)
An object may play several roles at once, as defined by the
role type set of its class. A role, an object plays, may require
another role from that same object within the given object collaboration
task. Or, a role may require that the same object within the collaboration
task never plays another role. Or, two roles might mutually require
each other. Finally, two roles may not have any requirements with
respect to each other.
Such constraints are expressed as role constraints. (It is
role constraint rather than role type constraint, because this
descriptive means refers to roles objects play in an object collaboration
task rather than to role types from a role model).
- Definition 3-19: Role constraint
- A role constraint is a value from the set {role-implied,
role-equivalent, role-prohibited, role-dontcare}. For every given
pair of role types (R, S) from a role model one such value is
Role constraints are scoped by an object collaboration task.
They only constrain the role-playing of objects within such a
task. As a consequence, role constraints are only specified within
the context of one role model.
The meaning of the role constraints is as follows:
- A role-implied value for a pair of role types (R, S) defines
that an object playing a role r defined by role type R is always
capable of playing a role s defined by role type S. That is,
role r implies role s. This relationship is transitive.
- A role-equivalent value for a pair of role types (R, S) defines
that an object playing a role r defined by role type R is always
capable of playing a role s defined by role type S, and vice
versa. That is, role r and role s imply each other. This relationship
is symmetric and transitive.
- A role-prohibited value for a pair of role types (R, S) defines
that an object playing role r defined by role type R may not
play role s defined by role type S within a given collaboration
task. That is, role r prohibits role s for the task. This relationship
is symmetric and transitive.
- A role-dontcare value for a pair of role types (R, S) defines
that an object playing a role r of role type R has no constraints
with respect to another role s of role type S within the given
collaboration task. The role s may or may not be available together.
Figure 3-17 shows the visual representation of role constraints.
Each possible role constraint is depicted through its own visual
- Figure 3-17: Examples of role constraints between role types.
Case a) shows a role-implied constraint, case b) shows a role-equivalent
constraint, case c) shows a role-prohibited constraint, and case
d) shows a role-dontcare constraint.
3.3.7 Figure role models (examples)
As a first example of a role model, consider the collaboration
task of a figure object with its client. It can be described by
a simple role model that defines the role types Figure and Client.
The Figure role type depends on further types from a yet unspecified
Graphics role model, which it imports.
Specification 3-6 describes the Figure role model:
// Figure requires Graphics role model.
import Graphics.*;
rolemodel Figure {
// Provide basic domain functionality of figures.
// Have origin, extent. Can be drawn, moved, and resized.
roletype Figure {
point origin;
rectangle extent;
void draw(ref<Graphics> context);
void drawOutline(ref<Graphics> context);
void place(point location);
void move(int dx, int dy);
void resize(int handle, int dx, int dy);
... More definition.
// The Client role type provides no operations.
// However, it must behave properly when using Figure objects.
roletype Client {
... // Specification of behavior with respect to using figures.
constraints {
(*, *) = role-dontcare;
... More definition, e.g., associations, cardinalities.
- Specification 3-6: Example specification of Figure role model.
The wildcard '*' in the role constraints part of the role model
is a placeholder for any role type from the model. Thus, (*, *)
expands to { (Figure, Client), (Client, Figure) }.
The Client role type is a no-operation role type. Within a
role model, such no-operation role types define roles of objects
that are not referenced and used by other objects (hence, no operations
needed). However, a Client object still acts according to the
no-operation Client role type.
The Client and Figure role types of the Figure role model are
referenced from the outside using the common dot-notation for
qualifying names: Figure.Client and Figure.Figure.
Figure 3-18 shows the Figure role model. Each role type in
the role model prominently shows its name in large font and set
below it, in parenthesis and a smaller font, the role model name.
The role model name is added to distinguish role types from different
role models in the context of class models (see below).
- Figure 3-18: The Figure role model.
Another role model example is the collaboration between parent
and child figure objects in the hierarchy. A parent figure manages
its child figures, and a child figure provides access to its parent
Specification 3-7 shows the FigureHierarchy role model.
rolemodel FigureHierarchy {
// Provide parent reference.
roletype Child {
ref<Parent> parent;
boolean hasParent();
void setParent(ref<Parent> parent);
// Manage child figures.
roletype Parent {
collection<ref<Child>> children;
boolean hasChild(ref<Child> child);
void addChild(ref<Child> child);
void removeChild(ref<Child> child);
// Configures parent object with children.
roletype Client {
// Leave it to parent to set itself to child.
// No further specification.
// A child may not be its own parent.
// A child may not configure its parent.
constraints {
(Child, *) = role-prohibited;
(*, Child) = role-prohibited;
(Client, Parent) = role-dontcare;
(Parent, Client) = role-dontcare;
... More definition, e.g., associations, cardinalities.
- Specification 3-7: Example specification of FigureHierarchy role model.
Figure 3-19 shows the FigureHierarchy role model.
- Figure 3-19: The FigureHierarchy role model.
Yet another example is the collaboration task for notifying
clients about state changes of a figure object. Clients may depend
on the state of the figure object and need to be informed about
changes to it.
A previous subsection defines the role types FigureObserver
and Subject. This subsection redefines them in the context of
a role model. In particular, their names are adapted to avoid
Specification 3-8 defines the FigureObserver role model.
rolemodel FigureObserver {
// Manage all dependent objects.
// Notify them about state changes of the figure.
// Dependents must be of type Observer.
roletype Subject {
collection<ref<Observer>> dependents;
boolean hasObserver(ref<Observer> observer);
void addObserver(ref<Observer> observer);
void removeObserver(ref<Observer> observer);
// Provide callback operations for subject.
roletype Observer {
void update(ref<Subject> source, ref<Event> event);
... Event definition.
constraints {
(*, *) = role-prohibited;
... More definition, e.g., associations, cardinalities.
- Specification 3-8: Example specification of FigureObserver role model.
Figure 3-20 shows the FigureObserver role model.
- Figure 3-20: The FigureObserver role model.
As a final example, consider a role model used to pass client
requests along a chain of objects. The client requests are converted
into Request objects first, which are then forwarded from one
element in the chain to its succeeding element. A figure object
uses this mechanism to notify its parent about a client request
that it could not handle.
Specification 3-9 describes the FigureChain role model:
rolemodel FigureChain {
// Predecessor in a chain of figure objects.
// Provides operation to generically handle requests.
roletype Predecessor {
ref<Successor> successor;
void setSuccessor(ref<Successor> successor);
void forwardRequest(ref<Request> request);
// Accept, queue, and dispatch requests.
roletype Successor {
void handleRequest(ref<Request> request);
void handleDeleteRequest(ref<DeleteRequest> request);
void handleInvalidateRequest(ref<InvalidateRequest> request);
... Request definition.
constraints {
(*, *) = role-prohibited;
... More definition, e.g., associations, cardinalities.
- Specification 3-9: Example specification of FigureChain role model.
Figure 3-21 shows the FigureChain role model.
- Figure 3-21: The FigureChain role model.
Please note that these role models are concrete design artifacts,
and not design patterns. (They are instances of design patterns.)
It is a conscious modeling decision to make the FigureHierarchy
role model have a Client role type, but to omit this role type
from the FigureChain role models. These role models are defined
for and used in the Figure class model defined below, where the
FigureHierachy role model is used to configure the object hierarchy
at runtime. From the object hierarchy, the object chain is determined,
and no option for chain configuration is given.
The role models Figure, FigureHierarchy, FigureObserver, and
FigureChain all generically relate to figure objects. They are
therefore used by the abstract Figure and CompositeFigure classes.
In addition, role models specific to a certain figure class can
be defined.
For each concrete figure class like RectangleFigure or UmlClassFigure,
there is a role model that describes the figure specific collaboration
with its clients. Also, there is typically a role model that defines
how to create a new instance. This leads to role models RectangleFigure
and RectangleFigureCreation, UmlClassFigure and UmlClassFigureCreation,
etc. They are omitted here, because they are fairly simple, and
do not add to the discussion.
3.3.8 Composing role models
It might seem natural to introduce a composition function for
role models. Composed role models would be the composition of
smaller role models, which could either be atomic or other composed
role models. OOram, for example, is based on a role modeling composition
scheme called role model synthesis [Ree96]. However, OOram, as
originally defined, has no concept of class on the modeling level.
Role modeling as defined in this dissertation directly takes
the step from atomic role models to classes and class models.
I have found no need for intermediate composed role models. None
of the case studies presented in Chapters 6 to 8 require the introduction
of composed role models. Therefore, no such role model composition
function is introduced.
Composition is always carried out in the context of a class
model, where role types are assigned to classes, and where the
classes provide the composition function to compose role types.
3.3.9 Class model (revised definition)
This subsection revises the definition of class model given
earlier. Class models are understood as compositions of role models,
in which classes provide and compose role types defined by the
role models.
- Definition 3-20: Class model
- A class model is a set of classes and a set of role models.
The classes relate to each other by inheritance and object relationship
descriptions between role types. The class relationship graph
must be non-partitioned.
The purpose of a class model does not change: it serves to
model a set of valid object collaborations. The revised definition
simply adds the concept of role model to describe how the classes
relate to each other. In addition to using classes, inheritance,
and object relationship descriptions, a class model uses role
models for the description of the set of valid object collaborations.
Effectively, a class model composes the role models. Developers
assign role types to classes and define how the role types are
composed to form the class type.
Between the classes, the relationships, and the role models,
a set of constraints applies:
- At least one role type from one of the role models must be
in the role type set of a class. Otherwise, the class or the
role model would not be connected with the rest of the class
- The role type set of a class must fulfill the role constraints
set up by the role models. This requirement avoids invalid object
collaborations (see section on assigning role types to classes).
- The object relationship descriptions between role types must
match those between classes. In particular, the cardinality of
the descriptions between role types must sum up to those of the
classes (see below).
- The relationship graph between the classes may not be partitioned,
so that there is a path from every class to every other class
in the model. Otherwise, a class would not be connected with
the rest of the model.
Each role model describes one particular object collaboration
task of the valid object collaborations defined by the class model.
The role model composition leads to the class model, which in
turn does not only define one or several object collaboration
tasks, but the full set of possible object collaborations. Context and scope of definitions
We can now review how the concepts introduced so far relate
to each other.
Everything is defined in the context of a class model. It is
the outermost concept. In the context of a class model we define
role models and classes. Role types are defined in the context
of role models. Classes only import the role types; they do not
define them.
Role types are defined independently of classes, because their
primary purpose is to show how an object behaves within a specific
collaboration task. Thus, they are always a part of a role model
that describes the (set of valid) object collaboration tasks.
Defining role types and role models independently of a specific
class lets us introduce reusable role models that can be used
by different class models. An example is the ObjectProperty role
model that defines the role types Client, Provider, and Property,
and that can be used by different class models (see revised class
model example). Cardinality of object relationship descriptions
The cardinality of object relationship descriptions (associations
and aggregations) between role types must sum up to the overall
cardinality of object relationship descriptions between the classes
of the role types.
Given a pair of classes A and B, let RA be a role type of A
and RB a role type of B. For any object relationship description
(RA, RB) that is defined by a role model, a cardinality is defined
for RA and RB. Then the following must hold:
- The sum of the cardinality associated with all RA's from
the set of relationship descriptions (RA, RB) represents the
cardinality of the object relationship description of class A
with respect to class B.
- The sum of the cardinality associated with all RB's from
the set of relationship descriptions (RA, RB) represents the
cardinality of the object relationship description of class B
with respect to class A.
Most class models in this dissertation omit the object relationship
descriptions between classes, because they can be derived from
the object relationship descriptions between role types. Should
there be a case where this statement does not seem to hold, a
role model is probably missing. (Such a role model may be the
simple role model of a Manager object being its own Client and
managing a set of Elements in a collection.) Assigning role types to classes
A class provides a set of role types to determine the possible
roles its instances may play. How do role constraints between
role types affect how a class may put role types into its role
type set?
The use of the abstract superclass rule (a concrete class may
not have subclasses) significantly eases the definition of these
assignment constraints:
- A role-dontcare constraint has no effect on how a class may
provide certain role types or not.
- A role-prohibited constraint also has no effect on how a
class may provide some role types, because role constraints are
restricted to single object collaboration tasks only. For different
tasks, an object may well play roles defined by role types between
which a role-prohibit constraint exists.
For example, the role-prohibited constraint between the Observer
and Subject role type of the FigureObserver role model denotes
that an object may not observe itself. However, an object may
well observe another object and be observed by yet another object.
Hence a class may provide both role types. This second case uses
two different collaboration tasks, even though they are instances
of the same role model.
- A role-implied constraint between two role types (R, S) puts
a constraint on the class hierarchy of a class X that provides
role type R. Another class Y now provides role type S. The role
constraint is maintained if one of the following cases holds:
- X = Y;
- Y is a superclass of X;
- Every concrete subclass of X provides S (either directly
or indirectly).
These three cases ensure that for a given object that plays
a role defined by R, a role defined by S is available.
- A role-equivalent constraint between two role types (R, S)
puts a constraint on the class hierarchy of a class X that provides
role type R. Assume another class Y, which provides role type
S. The role constraint is maintained if one of the following
cases hold:
- X = Y;
- if Y is a superclass of X, and if every concrete subclass
of Y provides R (directly or indirectly);
- if X is a superclass of Y, and if every concrete subclass
of X provides S (directly or indirectly).
These three cases ensure that for a given object that plays
a role defined by R, a role defined by S is available, and that
for a given object that plays a role defined by S, a role defined
by R is available.
As a general rule, no constraint can prevent that a class provides
a certain role type. However, role-implied and role-equivalent
enforce the joint provision of role types according to the above
3.3.10 Figure class model (revised example)
We can now describe the Figure class hierarchy as a class model
based on role models. So far, we have described the class model
without role models (Figure 3-13). We also have defined the role
models Figure, FigureHierarchy, FigureObserver, and FigureChain.
We further need the ObjectProperty role model, which determines
the collaboration of a client with a figure and its property objects.
It defines the role types Client, Property, and Provider (of property).
Specification 3-10 illustrates the ObjectProperty role model.
rolemodel ObjectProperty {
// Anything may work as a property.
// Thus, this is a no-semantics role type serving as a handle.
// It can be assigned to any class, even after the class has been defined.
roletype Property {}
// Generically manage properties of figure.
// Examples properties are fill color, frame color, line stroke.
// Properties may be any kind of Object.
roletype Provider {
collection<ref<Property>> properties;
void hasProperty(string name);
void getProperty(string name);
void setProperty(string name, ref<Property> property);
void unsetProperty(string name);
// Get and set Properties to Provider.
roletype Client {
// Do not set Provider as a Property to itself.
// No further specification.
// A Provider may not be have itself as a Property.
// A Client may not be a Property.
constraints {
(Property, *) = role-prohibited;
(*, Property) = role-prohibited;
(Client, Provider) = role-dontcare;
(Provider, Client) = role-dontcare;
... More definition, e.g., associations, cardinalities.
- Specification 3-10: Example specification of Figure class
Also, we have not defined the class-specific role models RectangleFigure,
PolygonFigure, etc. These are simple binary role models, which
define a Client and a Figure role type. The Figure role type defines
basic services for the Client role type. The specification given
below omits the details.
Specification 3-11 describes the Figure class model.
// Figure requires ObjectProperty and Graphics role model.
import Object.ObjectProperty;
import Graphics.Graphics;
classmodel Figure {
rolemodel Figure { ... }
rolemodel FigureHierarchy { ... }
rolemodel FigureObserver { ... }
rolemodel FigureChain { ... }
class Figure extends Object {
roletype Figure.Figure;
roletype FigureHierarchy.Child;
roletype FigureObserver.Subject;
roletype FigureChain.Predecessor;
roletype ObjectProperty.Provider;
roletype Graphics.Client;
... More definition.
class CompositeFigure extends Figure {
roletype FigureHierarchy.Parent;
roletype FigureChain.Successor;
... More definition.
rolemodel RectangleFigure { ... }
rolemodel RectangleFigureCreation { ... }
class RectangleFigure extends Figure {
roletype RectangleFigure.Figure;
roletype RectangleFigureCreation.Creator;
roletype RectangleFigureCreation.Product;
... More definition.
rolemodel PolygonFigure { ... }
rolemodel PolygonFigureCreation { ... }
class PolygonFigure extends Figure { ... }
rolemodel TextFigure { ... }
rolemodel TextFigureCreation { ... }
class TextFigure extends Figure { ... }
rolemodel GroupFigure { ... }
rolemodel GroupFigureCreation { ... }
class GroupFigure extends CompositeFigure { ... }
rolemodel UmlClassFigure { ... }
rolemodel UmlClassFigureCreation { ... }
class UmlClassFigure extends CompositeFigure { ... }
rolemodel UmlAssociationFigure { ... }
rolemodel UmlAssociationFigureCreation { ... }
class UmlAssociationFigure extends CompositeFigure { ... }
... More definition, e.g., associations, cardinalities.
- Specification 3-11: Example specification of Figure class
Figure 3-22 shows the class model using role models. The figure
shows class-level role types for the first time. Class-level role
types are role types of the class object (see discussion below).
They look like regular (instance-level) role types, but are shown
with a rectangle rather than an oval as the bounding box.
A role type, which is put on top of a class, is an element
of that class' role type set. The object relationship descriptions
between classes are omitted to avoid cluttering up the figure.
They can be derived from the relationship descriptions between
the role types.
- Figure 3-22: Class model of the example Figure class model,
including all role models.
Figure 3-22 demonstrates a few interesting issues.
- We can see how a class assembles a set of role types and
composes them. For example, the Figure class provides the Figure,
Subject, Child, Provider, and Predecessor role types.
- Also, no object relationship descriptions between classes
are needed, because they can be derived easily from the relationship
description between role types.
- All important role models deal with the key classes Figure
and CompositeFigure. The less important subclasses only provide
simple binary domain-specific role models like RectangleFigure.
- The average subclass introduces two role models. One that
provides its primary domain functionality (like RectangleFigure),
and one that lets clients create instances of the class (like
The Figure class model raises some issues that need more discussion. Roles of class objects
Class objects are objects and therefore play roles. The class
of a class is called its metaclass. The role types of a metaclass
need a dedicated textual and visual notation to not screw up specifications
and diagrams.
Textually, we tag the metaclass' role type using the keyword
static, and put them next the role types of the class. Visually,
in a class model, we draw the bounding box of a static role type
as a rectangle, rather than as an oval. This distinction lets
us put static role types right next to regular role types.
Consider the GroupFigureCreation role model for creating a
GroupFigure object. A Client object calls the new operation on
a Creator, the class object. The Creator creates the new Product
object that it returns to the Client. The Creator and Product
role types are made up by the different constructor and initialization
Specification 3-12 shows the textual specification of the GroupFigureCreation
role model.
rolemodel GroupFigureCreation {
roletype Client {
// No constraints.
roletype Creator {
GroupFigure new();
GroupFigure new(collection<ref<Figure>> elements);
... Possibly more.
roletype Product {
initialize(collection<ref<Figure>> elements);
... More definition, e.g., associations, cardinalities.
class GroupFigure extends CompositeFigure {
static roletype GroupFigureCreation.Creator;
roletype GroupFigureCreation.Product;
... More role types.
- Specification 3-12: GroupFigure class and GroupFigureCreation
role model.
Figure 3-23 shows the GroupFigureCreation role model visually.
- Figure 3-23: GroupFigure class with GroupFigureCreation role
Depending on the programming language used to implement this
role model, different language features can be deployed to make
it more convenient to use. For example, in Java, unless there
are more specific requirements, Creator.new() should be mapped
on new GroupFigure(), which may then internally call initialize()
with an empty collection. Boundaries of class model
The class model of Figure 3-22 presents only a part of what
would be a realistic class model for a drawing editor. Basic graphical
figure classes, like CircleFigure or TriangleFigure are missing.
Also, domain-specific graphical figure classes are missing, like
UmlInterfaceFigure, UmlInheritanceFigure, or UmlCollaborationFigure,
as in the case of the UML drawing editor example.
If we added these classes, the class model would grow until
it encompassed the whole system. The result would be a single
large class model, which would be very inconvenient to use. Therefore,
concepts to partition such a class model are needed. Categories,
subsystems, and frameworks are examples of such concepts. As this
work focuses on frameworks only, we omit the other concepts.
The next chapter shows how the class model can be partitioned
into one framework and two framework extensions. The framework
comprises the Figure, CompositeFigure, and GroupFigure classes.
The first framework extension part encompasses the fundamental
figure classes, and the second framework extension encompasses
the application-specific figure classes.
3.3.11 Design patterns in role modeling
This dissertation is not about design patterns. However, design
patterns permeate framework design. The Figure class model example
shows several design pattern instances. The case studies in Chapter
6 to 8 show even more design pattern applications in the context
of object-oriented frameworks. Therefore, it is helpful to show
how design patterns relate to role models. Knowing patterns in
their role model form lets us communicate design examples much
faster than is possible without patterns. Design patterns and design templates
A pattern is the abstraction from a concrete form which keeps
recurring in specific non-arbitrary contexts [RZ96]. An object-oriented
design pattern is a pattern in the domain of object-oriented design.
A pattern is frequently described as a problem/context/solution
triple [GHJV95, BMR+96]. According to [GHJV95, p. 407], "design
patterns identify, name, and abstract common themes in object-oriented
design. They preserve design information by capturing the intent
behind a design. They identify classes, instances, their roles,
collaborations, and the distribution of responsibilities."
Despite much recent work on design patterns, many misunderstandings
about patterns remain [Vli98]. Perhaps the most common and most
harmful misunderstanding is to take the structure diagram of a
design pattern description, for example from [GHJV95], as a rigid
definition of the pattern. The structure diagram and the description
of its participants are an illustration of one common form of
the pattern. By no means does the structure diagram represent
the one and only form of the pattern.
It is helpful to distinguish between the concept of design
pattern and design template. A design pattern is an abstract idea
that defies formalization and therefore precise definition. However,
for any given pattern, we can define an infinite number of design
templates that can be represented in a formal way. The specification
of such a design template can be carried out using any appropriate
formalism, making code generation and conformance checking of
implementations possible.
A pattern is an abstract idea that can be illustrated in many
different ways and that can be instantiated in an infinite number
of ways. We can illustrate a design pattern using role models
as much as we can illustrate it using the class diagrams in [GHJV95].
We can also use both. The choice of a particular modeling technique
depends on how well the presentation conveys the pattern idea
to its readers.
In [Rie96a] I discuss the advantages of role modeling over
traditional class-based modeling for illustrating design patterns.
Almost all design patterns, in particular those from [GHJV95]
can be illustrated using role models. The role model form of a
pattern lets developers more easily understand the pattern structure
and apply it in a new design than possible with traditional class-based
modeling. The Composite pattern as a role model (example)
The extended role modeling technique lets us illustrate design
patterns in a more comprehensive way than traditional class-based
modeling lets us do.
Consider the Composite design pattern [GHJV95]. The Figure
class model uses an instance of this pattern in the form of the
FigureHierarchy role model.
Figure 3-24 shows an illustration of the Composite pattern
in role model form. It has two parts. The core part is the Client/Child/Parent
role model that constitutes the Composite pattern. The second
part is a separate NodeClient/Node role model that represents
a domain functionality role model. This second role model is grayed
out in the figure, because it does not directly belong to the
- Figure 3-24: Illustration of the Composite pattern using
role models.
The NodeClient/Node role model represents the domain functionality
of the domain the pattern is applied in. The Client/Child/Parent
role model represents the core idea of the pattern, namely that
a Parent object can have several distinct Child objects and that
the Parent object gets configured with its Child objects by a
Client. The role-implied look-alike symbols transfer their role
modeling meaning to the pattern level. It should be noted, however,
that no precise semantics are underlying this pattern illustration.
Here, the role-implied constraints state that any Child object
and any Parent object always must be able to play the Node role.
Figure 3-25 shows the most common class model of the Composite
pattern. It also shows how the role models are applied to this
class model, thereby clarifying the different responsibilities
of the classes.
- Figure 3-25: Illustration of the most common class model
of the Composite pattern.
To drive home the point that role models, in conjunction with
class models, illustrate design patterns more comprehensively
than traditional class-based modeling, Figure 3-26 shows another
class model that illustrates the Composite pattern equally well.
- Figure 3-26: Illustration of an alternative class model for
the Composite pattern.
Both class models can be formalized as design templates. They
represent the pattern idea in a specific form. The first case,
shown in Figure 3-25, covers the majority of the pattern applications,
but the second case, shown in Figure 3-26, can also be found. Further design patterns
In addition to the Composite pattern, the Figure example uses
the Observer, Chain of Responsibility, and Property List pattern.
They occur as the FigureObserver, FigureChain, and ObjectProperty
role models.
Appendix D presents these and many other patterns in role model
form. The case studies of Chapter 6 to 8 draw heavily on these
patterns to describe framework designs.
3.3.12 Visual role model shorthands
The textual and visual presentation of class models can become
complex, in particular if many role models are involved. However,
conciseness of presentation is important, because it helps communicate
the design structure more effectively than possible by a lengthy
presentation (which is also needed).
Sometimes the same types of role models are composed in a class
in always the same way. It is very inconvenient to elaborately
specify and draw these compositions in all their detail. Common
recurring compositions should be captured using a shorthand notation.
Consider a Drawing class. In a drawing editor application,
there might be exactly one instance of the Drawing class, which
represents the whole drawing. Assume that there is one central
place where to get this object, and that this is the class object
of the Drawing class. Therefore, the Drawing class offers a simple
access operation to it (DrawingSingleton role model). Moreover,
the Drawing object is instantiated only when the first access
occurs. Thus, the Drawing class object plays the Client and Creator
roles in a DrawingCreation role model.
Figure 3-27 shows the resulting visual specification.
- Figure 3-27: Drawing class with DrawingSingleton and DrawingCreation
role models.
Because this kind of role model composition is such a common
case that we abbreviate it using a shorthand. Figure 3-28 shows
how the shorthand symbol looks like.
- Figure 3-28: Drawing class with collapsed DrawingSingleton
and DrawingCreation role model.
Unless a precise role type specification is required, it is
sufficient for all practical purposes to use the terminology set
up in Figure 3-28 to discuss this design. The case studies of
this dissertation make use of this shorthand to save time and
space and to avoid unnecessarily lengthy discussions.
Appendix C, the notation guide, presents further shorthands.
3.4 Summary
This chapter describes fundamental object and role modeling
concepts needed for framework design. These concepts form the
building blocks of all further concepts to come in this dissertation.
They are needed to define higher-level concepts for framework
First, the chapter presents a concise summary of traditional
class-based modeling concepts. It then enhances these concepts
with new and adapted role modeling concepts. The new role modeling
concepts add to the existing concepts and do not replace them.
The overall method becomes an evolutionary extension of existing
object modeling approaches. They add to them where necessary rather
than trying to replace them. Existing designs and documentations
are not invalidated. However, using role modeling, they can be
defined much more precisely and with greater detail.
The next chapter on framework design builds on this foundation
to better describe object-oriented frameworks.