Using Reflection to Support System Evolution

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Dirk Riehle and Kai-Uwe Mätzel
Ubilab, UBS. Bahnhofstrasse 45, CH-8021 Zurich.
E-mail: {riehle, maetzel}


In this position paper, we explore the use of reflection to support interface adaptation in the evolution of component-based systems. Reflection provides an appropriate means to intercept component interactions and to bridge gaps between different evolving interface and implementation versions. We use a simple client/service scenario to illustrate the arising issues.

1 Reflection

We shortly describe the terms reflection, metalevel architecture, and metalevel interception. Readers familiar with these concepts can safely jump to section 2.

Reflection is the capability of a system to reflect upon itself, that is to inspect and change its own state and behavior. An object's reflection on its own state first requires the system aspect under consideration to be explicitly represented and then to be causally connected with the running implementation [KRB92].

The standard technique for explicitly representing system aspects is to turn them into objects, so a reflective system might have class objects, operation invocation objects, and schema objects. These objects are usually called metaobjects, in contrast to regular application objects, which are called baseobjects. Metaobjects control the operation of baseobjects, for example how operations are invoked, how concurrency is handled, etc. [McA95].

The standard object-oriented technique for causally connecting this representation with the system itself is through the use of a metalevel architecture. Such an architecture provides access to the aforementioned metaobjects and makes sure that changes to these metaobjects lead to the intended changes of the system aspect represented by the metaobject.

Implementation-wise, metaobjects use so-called metalevel interceptions to control a baselevel object: every operation invocation can be intercepted by the metalevel and turned into a request object, so that the metaobject can explicitly handle the operation invocation, for example for logging or security purposes.

Systems which define such a metalevel architecture, are for example, IBM's SOM [FCDR95], Apertos [Yok92], CLOS [KRB92], and Geo [BGR96], our own system.

Now that possibly every operation invocation can be handled explicitly (rather than being hidden by compiler generated code), the doors are open to introduce any kind of facility that adds something to the operation invocation.

2 Using Reflection to Support Evolution

We assume that on a coarse-grained level, a system can be described using a component metamodel, for example COM or [SG96]. Every component has one or more interfaces. We sketch the simple evolution scenario of a service and several clients to explore the use of reflection to help ease evolution.

A service component used by several clients may evolve in two primary ways: (a) changes to the interface and (b) non-hidden changes to the implementation, that is changes in runtime behavior which do not affect the interfaces on a syntactically level but do affect clients.

Not all clients can be updated at the same time, so the required service interface the clients see and the actual provided interface of the service may diverge over time and must be tagged with a version number. A client's call of a service operation then must not only encompass all operation invocation information but also the expected version of the interface. The version number in turn must refer to both an interface and implementation version to be complete.

This information and its handling can be managed well at the metalevel. A client's metaobject maintains information about interface versions of collaborating objects, for example the required service interface in terms of its version number. The service's metaobject, upon receiving a (request object, interface version) pair from the client's metaobject, will then be able to handle the request. If required version and provided versions diverge, it will usually look up some adapter object which bridges the gap. Techniques for retrieving the proper adapter have been described in [Rie95, MS97].

Thus, a metalevel architecture helps to transparently introduce adapters into operation invocations on components with evolving interfaces. This buys the time to update clients one after another to keep up with an evolving service.

In a similar fashion as discussed here, database schemas can be evolved. Precondition is that they can be coherently embedded into an architecture which provides the discussed metalevel facilities. This might be done by hiding the schema behind a wrapping access component which is under control of the metalevel architecture.

3 Open Problems

Of course, reflection is only one means to support evolution, and the problem addressed above is only one particular (though important) problem. More general problems which influence the design and implementation of a metalevel architecture to support evolution are:

  1. The used component model. How do we define the concept of component?
    COM has been shown to have many problems [SM97], and the concept of component is not yet well-defined, probably in a state as objects were 10 to 15 years ago. Yet, objects seem to be too fine-grained for large-scale software development.
  2. Granularity of evolution.
    Rarely do single components evolve alone, but usually in conjunction with other components. How can we make use of this? How do we ensure consistent change to the different involved components, possibly using some kind of component space transaction?
  3. Process of evolution.
    How do we ensure that we reach stable bases, that is major releases which represent (as far as possible) a coherent whole rather than a wild set of diverging components and a sea of adapters?

4 Workshop Interests

At Ubilab, the information technology research lab of UBS (Union Bank of Switzerland), we are exploring the use of metalevel architectures in the design, implementation, and evolution of distributed systems. Moreover, we are consulting to another UBS project the intent of which is to provide UBS with a global distributed software architecture based on a metalevel architecture using, among other issues, the evolution scenario described above.

Thus, we are interested

  • in finding out about related approaches, drawbacks and pitfalls;
  • discussing component models and their suitability wrt to evolution;
  • having a good time.


[BGR96] Walter Bischofberger, Michael Guttman and Dirk Riehle. "Global Business Objects: Requirements and Solutions." Proceedings of the Ubilab Conference '96, Zürich. Edited by Kai-Uwe Mätzel and Hans-Peter Frei. Konstanz, Germany: Universitätsverlag, 1996. Page 79-98.

[FCDR95] Ira R. Forman, Michael H. Conner, Scott H. Danforth, and Larry K. Raper. Release-to-Release Binary Compatibility in SOM. In Proceedings of the 1995 Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA '95). ACM Press, 1995. Page 426-438.

[KRB92] Gregor Kiczales, Jim des Riverieres, and Daniel G. Bobrow. The Art of the Metaobject Protocol. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1992.

[McA95] Jeff McAffer. Meta-level Programming with CodA. In Proceedings of the 1995 European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP '95). LNCS-952. Springer-Verlag, 1995. Page 190-214.

[MS97] K.U. Mätzel and P. Schnorf. Dynamic Component Adaptation. Ubilab Technical Report, 1997.

[Rie96] D. Riehle. How and Why to Encapsulate Class Trees. OOPSLA 95, Conference Proceedings. ACM Press, 1995.

[SG96] M. Shaw and D. Garlan. Software Architecture. Prentice-Hall, 1996.

[SM97] K. Sullivan and M. Marchukov. Interface Negotiation and Efficient Reuse. CS Dept, University of Virginia, Technical Report, 1997.

[Yok92] Yasuhiko Yokote. The Apertos Reflective Operating System: The Concept and its Implementation. In Proceedings of the 1992 Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications. ACM Press, 1992. Page 414-434.

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