Association Object Pattern

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(C) 1997 Lorrie Boyd, AMS Inc. Presented with kind permission.


In business systems, many of the necessary objects are easily identified because they represent tangible things in the real world. These are the static objects. At the same time, the associations between these objects have information and behavior of their own. How can the associations and movements between these static objects be identified?


Many business systems are about changes or movements of tangible items over time. Some examples are: scheduling systems, assignment systems, and inventory tracking systems. The events in such systems cause associations between static objects to be created, modified or destroyed. An association may change from describing future plans to describing current state or history. The association may behave consistently whether future, current or historical.

Consider the analysis phase in a system to assign rooms within a large facility. We need to assign rooms to departments. The computer system centers around managing the change of assignments. When a room is assigned, does the user need to know the previous assignments? Are assignments planned, and how does a planned assignment become the current one? What changes about the room when it is assigned to a department? What changes about the department when it is assigned to a room? How often does an assignment happen? Understanding the assignment is key to developing a solid design.


  • If we only examine the current state of an association, the relationship between two related objects is often simple. For example, today a room 'has a' department. But when we add history or planning, the nature of the relationship changes. Over time, a room 'has many' departments. All three states may have similar behavior and data which are of interest to the business.
  • The current state, which is merely a 'has a' relationship, may be all the business needs to know. Planning may be done very vaguely, and history may simply be reported.
  • Integrating history, planning and current all in one approach will increase quantities of information stored and accessed. This may have a significant negative performance impact.
  • Separating history, planning and current associations may increase the amount of code needed and introduce artificial differences.


Define an association object capturing the date and time of the association. Examine the lifecycle of the association. What changes during its lifecycle? What kinds of events trigger the changes? An association object is needed if the association has behavior of it's own over time.

Determine attributes and responsibilities unique to the association. For example, costs for one object may be allocated among the set of associated objects.

Determine if there is a performance impact by capturing details of each association and whether different users of the association access it in the same way.

A key point is that association objects capture the changing states of associations, not just the changes in associations. That is, when a room is re-assigned, the old association becomes a former one (i.e., history) and the new one becomes current (it was a future assignment). This allows the system to act as a 'time machine' because it can answer queries relative to any point in time, not just the current one. This integration of planning, current state and history within a single object, can eliminate the need for wholly separate systems.

Illustration of solution:

In this class diagram, there can be many instances of the association class for each unique combination of STATIC 1 and STATIC 2. When the association Begin_Date and End_Date are both in the past, the association represents history. When the association Begin_Date is in the past, but the End_Date is in the future, the association represents current state. When the association Begin_Date and End_Date are both in the future, the association represents planning. Thus the association integrates history, current and planning in one object. All three states share the same responsibilities and attributes.


This illustrates a room assignment functional model. There can be many ROOM_DEPT_ASSIGNMENT instances for each combination of ROOM and DEPARTMENT. Historical assignment instances have both dates in the past, current ones have a Begin_Date in the past and an End_Date in the future, and planned ones have both dates in the future.

Analysis which verifies the need for this use of an association object includes:

  • The maintenance staff cares about the current assignment. They use it to contact the owner before fixing the room. The accountants, however, care about the history of assignments. They use assignment history to calculate indirect costs.
  • A new assignment is created whenever a room is re-assigned, whether the assignment is planned for the future or is effective immediately. The planned assignment becomes the current one. The current assignment becomes history.
  • Costs for a room are allocated among its assigned departments according to a percentage. That is, a room may be used by several departments concurrently with each department charged a percent of the room costs.

Known uses

Peter Coad named this a 'timed association pattern' (ref 1). In addition, Martin Fowler (ref 2) describes these as objects representing 'actions' which can be 'scheduled, resourced, peopled, started and completed' in discussing planning. He also describes the associative type, when relationships themselves acquire attributes and behavior; and historic mapping, in which the objects capture history. Each of these are examples of the association object.

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