Synopsis: If you must, create a master password file, but protect it with your highest level of security.
If your life gets so complicated that Master Account File no longer works, you may need to capture all of the account-password information you have electronically. If you must do this, make sure that it is kept encrypted with the best algorithm and that the password to this one is in your highest level Account Category, and is never written down.
Known Uses: On the Macintosh, a program called the Keychain manages passwords. However, all your passwords are compromised if your keychain is. It should be autolocked after each use, but is not. It will, however, take a long pass phrase for its password.
Similarly, PGP keeps private keys electronically on your machine and uses them automatically, but hides them behind long pass phrases. It also gives you hints about how secure your pass phrase is when you create it, though I think it may use only the length to do so.
Previous Pattern: Master Account File
Next Pattern: Password Hint
Contributors: Joe Bergin