America the beautiful, America the ugly. In any case, I found these impressions worth sharing. Photos were taken using a simple Nokia cell phone, at the spur of a moment.

The view from my office window. I've seen deers running around.
There even is a sign "beware of rattle snakes." Ah, Silicon Valley, most modern part of the world.

In downtown Palo Alto even this shoe shiner is probably hacking some code for a startup.
What else to do if your next customer might be some high-powered VC?

Ah, IKEA. Where would we be without it.
Here, IKEA is teaching U.S. citizens how to cook Swedish foods in Spanish.

Shopping is big, of course. Hence the industrial size approach to it.
This photo was taken in front of the Mountain View CostCo.

Some customers just create a mess... no inhibitions at all.
This photo was taken at a ROSS department store that sells brand-name goods cheap.

I think the boy is innocent. Creating all this shopping mess can't be just his fault.
(This is another shot from a local ROSS store.)

Americans don't like to walk.
Any place is a good place to set your shopping cart free...

That nagging feeling of behaving badly isn't nearly as bad if you do like everyone else does.

No photo manipulation whatsoever. These really are that person's legs.

No photo manipulation whatsoever. This spoiler really is that car's spoiler.

Yep, misbehavior doesn't stop inside the restroom.
(Well, the restroom is probably where it all starts.)

You are looking at bubblegum alley in San Luis Obispo. The smell is distinct.

Colorful, isn't it?

Finally, a shot of beautiful flowers, from the otherwise downtrodden Motel 6 in San Simeon.
Who would have expected this beauty in such a place?
The end, my friend, this is the end (of this page).