Hasema is a producer of religiously conforming sportswear for the islamic world. Its main products for women are full-body soccer and swimsuits that properly cover your hair, among other things. While not exactly fit for high-performance competition, Hasema's products nevertheless seem to have found their customers.
What caught my eye and made me file it in the funny language blooper department was the self-advertisement on their homepage. There you can read that Hasema "religiously analysed customer demand" (something that McDonald's would not only say but probably have in their 10 point corporate value sheet dangling in front of customers in every McD). Also, Hasema is proud to have "gained continuity instead of daily success," making me wonder what will happen to the company on the day of shareholder reckoning.

PS: This blog entry was carefully worded to poke fun at the English language bloopers on Hasema's homepage only. It was not worded to create any religious insults. If you disagree, let me know, and I'll fix it.
PPS: According to an The Economist article, one of Hasema's products is a full-body swimsuit that nevertheless allows your body to get evenly tanned. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any information on how that is supposed to work.
PPPS: Hediye (Turkish) says that this line of clothing is a real life saver. Before, women would go into the pool with their full clothing on, creating a big black spot in the middle of the water. Now, with this stuff, it looks much more graceful, according to her.