Catalog of Method Properties

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(Some of this material has been taken from a Java Report paper.)

We distinguish between the following method properties.

If you want to add method properties to this list, let me know!

Class implementation method properties

Primitive method

Definition: A primitive method is a method that carries out one specific task, usually by directly referring to the fields of the object. It does not rely on any (non-primitive) methods of the class that defines the primitive method.
Also known as: -
JDK example: -
Name example: void AbstractName::assertIsValidIndex(int), String StringName::basicComponent(int).
Prefixes: basic, do.
Comment: Design by Primitive is a key principle of good class design that uses primitive methods.

Composed method

Definition: A composed method is a method that organizes a task into several subtasks that it glues together as a linear succession of method calls. Each subtask is represented by another method, primitive or non-primitive.
Also known as: -
JDK example: -
Name example: String AbstractName::component(int), void AbstractName::component(int, String).
Prefixes: -
Comment: Name taken from [3].

Inheritance interface method properties

Hook method

Definition: A hook method is a method that declares a well-defined task and makes it available for overriding through subclasses.
Also known as: -
JDK example: -
Name example: void AbstractName::basicComponent(int, String).
Prefixes: -
Comment: -

Template method

Definition: A template method is a method that defines an algorithmic skeleton for a task by breaking it into subtasks. Some of the subtasks are deferred to subclasses by means of hook methods.
Also known as: -
JDK example: -
Name example: Name Name::contextName().
Prefixes: -
Comment: Name taken from [4]

Class/instance level method properties

Instance method

Definition: An instance method is a method that applies to an instance of a class.
Also known as: -
JDK example: Every non-static query or mutation method of a class or interface.
Name example: Every non-static query or mutation method of a class or interface.
Prefixes: -
Comment: In reflective systems, an instance method may also be a class method (but need not).

Class method

Definition: A class method is a method that applies to a class.
Also known as: -
JDK example: static String String::valueOf(...), static BigInteger BigInteger::valueOf(long).
Name example: static StringName StringName::newInstance(String name).
Prefixes: -
Comment: In reflective systems, a class method is always an instance method of a class object.

Other method properties

Convenience method

Definition: A convenience method is a method that simplifies the use of another, more complicated method by providing a simpler signature and by using default arguments where the client supplies no arguments.
Also known as: -
JDK example: String BigInteger::toString() (wraps String BigInteger::toString(int radix)).
Name example: String Name::asString(), String Name::asString(char). (But not: asString(char, char).)
Prefixes: -
Comment: Name taken from [5].

Convenience constructor

Definition: A convenience constructor is a constructor that simplifies the use of another, more complicated constructor by providing a simpler signature and by using default arguments where the client supplies no arguments.
Also known as: -
JDK example: BigInteger::BigInteger(String) (wraps BigInteger::BigInteger(String value, int radix)).
Name example: StringName StringName::StringName(String name).
Prefixes: -
Comment: -
Copyright (©) 2007 Dirk Riehle. Some rights reserved. (Creative Commons License BY-NC-SA.) Original Web Location: